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Lithuanian Airports has finalised the public procurement procedure for the selection of the contractor to build the new passenger departure terminal at Vilnius Airport. Eikos Statyba was selected as the contractor. The new terminal will be built between the VIP terminal with conference centre and the old passenger terminal. The total value of the contract is EUR 41.5 million (excluding VAT).

The company had won an earlier tender, but the contract was not signed then due to the geopolitical situation, with a sharp increase in construction and material prices, and the mandatory legal regulation of public procurement, which restricts the signing of a contract by modifying the pre-publicised terms of the contract on price indexation.

“Faced with legal challenges, we kept up our preparations for the new procurement: we held a public consultation and presented major changes to the procurement documents. As a result, we were able to quickly respond and successfully implement the new procurement,” said Arnas Dūmanas, Head of the Operations and Infrastructure Department of Lithuanian Airports.

“Lithuania's main airport must be convenient for passengers, meet international standards and perform its functions properly. The new terminal at Vilnius Airport will make a significant contribution to the development of the aviation sector, opening up new capacity opportunities. As passenger traffic at the airport grows, it is important to ensure comfortable service conditions that meet modern standards,” said Minister of Transport and Communications Marius Skuodis.

Eikos statyba has undertaken to build an A++ energy-efficient departure terminal module with a total area of more than 14,000 sqm and to redevelop 34,000 sqm of the airport's access by the end of 2024.

“We appreciate the public sector's ability to react quickly and flexibly in a changing geopolitical and economic situation, and to prioritise the development of such important national infrastructure projects regardless of the current situation. We believe that the experience gained in the construction of complex structures, including our already completed Vilnius Airport VIP terminal construction project, will significantly contribute to the successful implementation of the new terminal construction,” explained Almantas Čebanauskas, the Head of Eikos Statyba.

After the construction of the new passenger terminal, the total area of Vilnius Airport's terminals will increase by one third and the passenger capacity will double (from 1,200 to 2,400 passengers per hour).

The new building will have two floors and is planned to include a self-service check-in area on the ground floor, where passengers will be able to check in for their flights as well as check in their luggage. There will also be common public spaces, cafes and other commercial areas, as well as airline offices. The building will include all the necessary technical areas, such as baggage screening and sorting, and engineering systems.

“As aviation moved from recovery to growth, investment in the new terminal was essential. The capacity of the old terminal is no longer sufficient to meet demand. We forecast that by 2030 we will be handling around 10 million passengers, so the arrival of this terminal is one of the stages of preparation for the growing passenger flows,” added A. Dūmanas.

According to him, the construction of the new terminal sets a new quality bar for infrastructure and the investment will pay for itself in 10-15 years.

The Public Procurement Service was also intensively consulted on the tender conditions for the new Vilnius Airport Departures Terminal contract. Five companies took part in the procurement and submitted their tenders.

For all the latest information about the new Vilnius Airport terminal, please visit www.vno.lt/en/new-departure-terminal

Official video presentation of Vilnius Airport's new terminal www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqXLkHsvJxY&

Last updated: 2024 01 09 14:32

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